Scoliosis Physiotherapy & Posture Centre

1335 Carling Ave
Suite 300
Ottawa, ON
Canada K1Z 8N8

What is the Schroth Method for Scoliosis?
The Schroth Method for scoliosis is a three dimensional physiotherapy exercise method, to elongate the trunk and correct imbalances of the spine. The goal is to develop the inner muscles of the rib cage in order to change the shape of the upper trunk and to correct any spinal abnormalities. The Schroth physiotherapist will instruct the patient in specific exercises to straighten, centralize and de-rotate the spine with corrective breathing techniques.
What are the goals of Schroth Physiotherapy?
Stabilize the curve.
Mobilize stiff body parts.
Improve postural alignment.
Teach activities of daily living.
Promote corrections.
Enhance neuromuscular control.
Increase muscle strength and endurance.
Pain reduction.
Improve Cardio-pulmonary function.
Who would benefit from Schroth Physiotherapy?
The treatment approach can be used to treat scoliosis patients of ALL AGES and can be utilized to treat all stages of scoliosis, including before and after surgery.
What are the exercises like?
Specific exercises are provided based on the curve patterns and severity, as well as the patients function and mobility. The goal is to create awareness of the new posture and alignment through position, repetitions and breathing. Exercises are designed to reduce the flat back and rib prominence and restore alignment of the pelvis. Exercise positions may be modified in order to create the optimal position for the patient.
The Schroth physiotherapist guides the patient with tactile stimulus so the patient has an understanding of where they need to breath and elongate to create muscle activation in to correct the curve.
Will I be straight after the Schroth Method?
Reducing the spinal curve depends on length of time you have had scoliosis. The goal is certainly to reduce the curve but overall to halt the curve progression.
How long will I be in therapy for?
Your Schroth program will be based on your individual evaluation. Treatment sessions are typically 60 min long and can range from 5 sessions up to 20 sessions. Continuation of your home exercise program is a lifetime commitment and is vital in order to maintain your postural correction. We do recommend re-evaluations every 2-3 months and it is recommended that you continue your individual scoliosis specific Schroth exercises in the group setting, under the supervision of the Schroth physiotherapist.
What do I wear to physiotherapy?
A sports bra or bikini top for girls. Shorts for boys and girls, as well as for adult patients.
What type of brace should I wear?
I recommend the Rigo-Cheneau Bracing in combination with Schroth Physiotherapy. ART Brace combined with Lyon Method physiotherapy. In some cases, I may recommend Providence night time brace. The suggested type of brace to wear will be discussed at your initial assessment and with your treatment team.