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At Scoliosis Physiotherapy & Posture Centre, I will work with you to correct the faulty habits and posture which are causing you problems. Helpful strengthening and flexibility exercises will be employed, and I will advise  you how to change your home or work environment to put an end to any neck or back discomfort or chronic pain you are experiencing due to poor posture. 

Poor Posture

One of the leading causes of upper back and neck pain is poor posture. Examples of poor posture include: sitting too far away from your work; sitting with your back unsupported; leaning away from your work while sitting; leaning over your desk; sitting with forward head and rounded shoulders. 


Effects of Poor Posture

A common posture problem is called a "sway back," which is an increased curve that may be caused by weak abdominal muscles and a chronic strain that is placed on ligaments in the lower back. In some cases, rounded shoulder posture and a forward head can be a cause of sway back because it increases stress at the base of the neck and across the upper back. Increased kyphosis often develops because of working in a stooped, forward position or bending too often. Again, rounded shoulders and having your head forward can lead to this poor posture. "Flat back" posture is another concern, when normal kyphosis and lordosis is lost.


Good Posture

In order to have good posture, try to keep the spine in a balanced position as much as possible. When you move out of a balanced posture, it places stress on certain structures. When poor posture positions are maintained for long periods of time (for example,  at an office desk) without change or interruption, it can cause a lot of stress on these body structures, possibly leading to injury and/or back pain.  


For correct sitting posture, follow these tips: head and shoulders erect and balanced; natural curve of back supported; feet flat on the floor or foot rest, weight evenly distributed on buttocks and thighs; hip/trunk angle at >90 degrees; freedom to move; arms at sides; close to the work. 


If you have any abnormal spinal curve you will be suggested a specific side or position after your initial assessemnt. Try to sleep in a balanced position, meaning that your matress provides firm support, but it is soft enough to accomodate the curves of your body.  Tips for sleeping posture include: small pillow support under the neck to keep the head in a neutral position; pillow made of feather or fiber.


Good standing posture involves holding the back and neck in an upright, balanced position.  Your presonalized instructions will depend on your postural assessement.

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